The Albert Lortzing Website is being rebuilt. For the time being I put my old Lortzing-website back - last updatet in 2007.
You will probably miss some important pages. Please be patient - a new website will be put back online asap.

Albert Lortzing, opera-composer, librettist and jack-of-all-trades in theatre and opera, was born into a theatrical family. He had a sure sense for theatrical effectiveness and devoted himself almost entirely to comic opera.
His most famous works are "Zar und Zimmermann" (1837) and "Der Wildschütz" (1842), both Singspiele, but he also composed a romantic opera, "Undine" (1845) and a revolutionary opera, "Regina" (1848).
Himself influenced by W.A. Mozart, Lortzing was at the parting of the ways to Richard Wagner (Lortzing's "Hans Sachs" probably influenced Wagner's "Die Meistersinger") and to Johann Strauss II.

©George Overmeire.

"Lortzings Bedeutung liegt darin, daß er die Webersche Linie der deutschen Volksoper entschieden verfolgt und fortgesetzt hat - wohl um einige Grade mehr ins Kleinbürgerliche verschoben, der Richtung seiner Zeit entsprechend, aber dafür um so bewußter und einheitlicher. Für die starke Sicherheit dieses seines Instinktes spricht, daß er sein Texdichter war. Er wird uns stets das Muster eines deutschen Theatermeisters sein, der wußte, was seine Zeit verlangt, und es ihr zu geben verstand, ohne sich etwas zu vergeben."

Ernst Krenek: Festschrift zur Albert-Lortzing-Feier, Detmold 1926.
The Albert Lortzing Website is designed and maintained by George Overmeire.
Last updatet: 31-10-2007
Albert Lortzing is also on Facebook.

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